
Molecular Cause of Anxiety in Dogs Identified

11:53 17.03.2023 Science

Scientists at the University of Ghent in Belgium have identified a molecular cause for anxiety in dogs. The results of the work, published in the journal PLOS ONE, show that neural connections are disrupted in such pets.

During the study, the authors studied 25 healthy and 13 anxious dogs. All subjects were examined using functional MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) at rest and anxiety.

A resting procedure in anxious dogs showed that connections between the amygdala and other parts of the brain, especially the hippocampus, were stronger than normal. Dogs that showed fear, anxiety, and excitability towards strangers were more likely to have abnormal connections in the amygdala.

The findings may also help to understand how the functional connections between anxiety-related brain regions change in instances of anxiety disorders in human animals. This knowledge can then be applied to develop more personalized and effective treatments.

In January 2023, researchers at the University of Budapest (Hungary) calculated the factor that contributed to the domestication of dogs thousands of years ago. In their opinion, this was visual contact with a person.

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