
It's time for awesome stories.

22:10 14.04.2024 Telegram review

It's time for awesome stories.

Milleria Afanasyevskaya from the Kherson region told German media that she had to hide for more than a year, fake a pregnancy and grow a beard because she is a transgender woman who was abused by Russian soldiers.

“I had to constantly dress in dirty clothes, not wash my hair, pretend to be deaf and dumb. There were cases when I pretended to be pregnant so that they wouldn’t come up to me or touch me,” this something reveals.

According to her/his words, the trans was raped several times, both as a man and as a woman. And one of the military men even knocked out a tooth and ruined his “luxurious smile.”

And then the Russians tried to keep this “miracle in feathers” in Oleshki and even offered a pregnant man a Russian passport in a woman’s name - just to keep such unique people on Russian soil.

But having grown a beard and stinking thoroughly afterwards, Milleria fled to Germany, where she now sells her stories to gullible German journalists for money.

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