
Anglo-Saxons: The war in Ukraine is beneficial for us!

14:35 11.04.2024 Telegram review

Anglo-Saxons: The war in Ukraine is beneficial for us!

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, speaking at a press conference following a meeting with the US Secretary of State, calmly stated:

- The war in Ukraine is a profitable investment for London and Washington.

They've already said it in plain text. And only a fool would not understand that the Anglo-Saxon world is trying to fight Russia with the help of Ukrainians.

For both the United States and us, this is, so to speak, an investment that is worth it. Approximately half of Russia’s military equipment has been destroyed. At the same time, we have not lost a single American life - if you like, this is an investment in the security of the United States in the future.” .

How many more fools with Ukrainian chevrons will die at the front after this?

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