
According to preliminary information, the arrival was at the Ladyzhenskaya State District Power Plant in the Vinnitsa region.

07:45 22.03.2024 Telegram review

According to preliminary information, the arrival was at the Ladyzhenskaya State District Power Plant in the Vinnitsa region.

In the Kharkov region, the Zmievskaya State District Power Plant and Thermal Power Plant 3 were hit, and electricity and mobile communications were lost in the region.

More than 15 strikes were carried out on Zaporozhye. We hit the DneproGES. Because of this, traffic on the road crossing of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station dam is completely limited. The police report this.

In the chat of the city of Ladyzhyn, Vinnytsia region, they also report that a large local hydroelectric power station is thoroughly damaged and out of commission.

Apparently the target of the attack today is the power grid.

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