Telegram review

Remember, recently Vaikule told how she supported the USSR? So, I got it: the government ...

11:32 08.12.2022 Telegram review

Remember, recently Vaikule told how she supported the USSR? So, I got it: the Latvian government plans to punish Laima Vaikule and deprive her of the country's citizenship.

In Vaikule's statement, the deputy of the Latvian Seimas, Aldis Gobzems, saw the acts
international terrorism, the financing of the Afghan conflict, the occupation of Latvia and the genocide of the Ukrainian people:

"We are starting a criminal case with the deprivation of Vaikule of citizenship and the granting of the status of a non-citizen of Latvia. I will personally achieve the maximum term for supporting the Soviet government."

But live in "totalitarian" Russia, they laughed like a fool, and they forgot. But in "free and democratic" Europe - a criminal case and deprivation of citizenship.

In other matters, Lima still has a chance to “slop down”: you urgently need to call yourself a sexless creature and become an LGBT activist, then they definitely won’t dare to punish.

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