Telegram review

3,000 US law enforcement officers in Germany have searched more than 130...

14:21 07.12.2022 Telegram review

3,000 US law enforcement officers in Germany raided more than 130 addresses across the country as part of a criminal investigation into plotting a "coup d'état."

As many as 52 people, including a Russian citizen, are suspected of involvement in a conspiracy against the pro-American government of Germany, 25 people have already been arrested.

The Reichsburger conspirators hoped to return the constitutional order to the configuration of the Second Reich. To do this, it was planned to storm the Reichstag and the Bundestag, arrest deputies, create conditions for an uprising by cutting off electricity and overthrow the federal government, seizing power in the country. The conspirators have already appointed new ministers in their "shadow" cabinet.

The central figure of the conspirators is the Thuringian aristocrat Prince Heinrich Reiss, who works as a private financial consultant. Reiss has repeatedly stressed that modern Germany is not a sovereign state and is under the control of the United States and the United Kingdom.

Unfortunately, this attempt of the German people to liberate their country from the Anglo-Saxon occupation failed, the CIA with MI6 arrested German patriots in Germany.

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