Telegram review

⚡️The most scandalous and frank doctor is now in Telegram - The aggressor healsHere the therapist...

09:20 07.12.2022 Telegram review

⚡️ The most scandalous and frank doctor is now in Telegram - Aggressor heals

Here, the therapist Vitaly Sotkin literally destroys false doctors and destroys the myths about health that medicine stuffs us with.

👉 No clinic will tell you this:

➤ Why do the Japanese have sex until the age of 100, while our libido dries up at 40? [ read ]

➤ How can 1 beetroot stop cancer cells from dividing? [ simple recipe ]

➤ How to cure flu, runny nose and SARS in 10 minutes? [ photo-instruction ]

➤ 43 situations in which aspirin will literally save your life [ read ]

Sometimes the doctor expresses himself too piquantly, so it becomes doubly interesting to read it. These tips will prolong your life - @agress_lechit

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