The Latvian Parliament hired a "witch"

08:30 07.12.2022 Politics

A well-known "witch" in Latvia got a job in the Latvian Seimas. It is reported by the NRA.

Sanita Petere, who calls herself a "white witch", has become an assistant to a deputy of the local parliament from the For Stability! Natalia Marchenko-Yodko.

According to the "healer" herself, she "helps the deputy to understand the social issues in which she is strong." Peters is sure that witches are very "important and useful in politics." According to her, there are many witches in Latvia who are close to politics.

It was previously reported that around the world, four out of 10 people believe in witchcraft and the existence of witches. According to the survey in different countries, the number of people who believe in magic varies. So, only 9% of people in Sweden believe in witchcraft versus 90% in Tunisia. In Russia, about 50% of respondents believe that witchcraft and witches exist.

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