Telegram review

We often like to grumble about our show business and culture that there is no...

17:13 06.12.2022 Telegram review

We often like to grumble about our show business and culture that there are no new talents or works: only vulgarity and stupidity.

There are talents, and what else! Just a layer of old mold does not always allow them to break through.

I just returned from Lugansk and I hasten to share with you a real treasure - the team of the local musical and drama theater.

At the beginning of the SVO, all the men who worked in the theater were called to the front. And the girls did not sit idly by, and in support of the fighters they wrote a real hit - the song Pobednaya .

Stylistically - folk, reminds me of "What you were, so you remain", but rethought, modern, with a very pleasant melodious Russian motive and wonderful text

The author of music and words is Tatyana Lazareva . Not the one that ran away with Schatz and now spits in Russia, but normal, ours. Tatyana Lazareva of a healthy person .

I promised the girls that I would do my best to make the whole country aware of their talent and song. Help me do it. The song itself was posted in a previous post.

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