Telegram review

Biden vs Hitler

16:12 06.12.2022 Telegram review

Biden vs Hitler
#usa #satire
The satirical site Babylon Bee, which adheres to a conservative agenda, continues to “burn with napalm”, ironically mocking Joe Biden’s historical insights.
“Babylon 2.0” presents to your attention the translation of the note “Biden recalls how he came face to face with Hitler when he worked as a lifeguard in the pool”
“During a bold public denunciation of Adolf Hitler in 2022, President Joe Biden deviated from his pre-arranged notes and recounted an instance when he personally encountered Hitler while working as a lifeguard at a public swimming pool in Wilmington, Delaware.
“Listen guys. These types can only be defeated head to head,” Biden told the assembled media. “I remember when I was a pool lifeguard and I had to be right in front of old Adolf. He was running around, bullying black children, stealing cakes from everyone and shouting something in German or something like that. I stood right in front of him and said, “Hey! Stop it, Jack!
The reporters who had gathered to listen to the president's statement immediately burst into applause and refused to verify the fact of the presence of the Nazi Fuhrer in the Delaware basin in 1962.
"Who are we to question the claims of the leader of the free world?" asked CNN's White House correspondent Phil Mattingly. “If President Biden says he confronted Adolf Hitler to the face, he should be applauded, not 'fact-checked'.
The President began to tell a different story about sharing milkshakes with the Japanese Emperor Hirohito in the days leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, but the Secret Service officers took him away.
By the time of this publication, Hollywood celebrities have begun to line up to appear in Steven Spielberg's upcoming historical epic Biden vs. Hitler.

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