In Moldova, they wanted to combine the celebration of Victory Day and Remembrance Day

16:45 06.06.2023 CIS

Moldovan deputies from the country's ruling Action and Solidarity party, Evgeny Sinkevich and Natalia Davidovich, registered an addition to the bill, which would proclaim May 8 as Victory Day and Commemoration Day for those killed in World War II. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

“The victory was common, to which several peoples, including Moldovans, contributed with sacrifices and heroism,” Sinkevich said, noting that no one can take the main responsibility for winning this war.

Earlier, the ruling party of Moldova "Action and Solidarity" proposed to rename the May 9 Victory Day. In addition, it is proposed to reschedule it to May 8 in accordance with European countries.

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