
Scientists have discovered an unexpected benefit of alcohol

08:30 05.06.2023 Science

Scientists from the Universities of Cambridge and Sydney have reported that moderate drinking can be good for the body. The Daily Mail writes about it.

According to researchers, alcohol blocks chemicals that cause inflammation and swelling.

In the course of the work, the researchers studied the level of C-reactive protein in the blood of 3101 residents of the UK. A high level of this substance indicates inflammation in the blood vessels, organs, as well as an increased risk of cancer, heart attack, stroke, and the development of mental disorders.

Scientists reported that the least of this protein was found in those who periodically consumed alcoholic beverages. According to Dr. Rachel Wisontai, low drinking "can be helpful when it comes to inflammation."

Earlier, the surgeon Alexander Umnov said that the abuse of beer threatens with a kidney infarction. He explained that this drink has a diuretic effect, however, increased urination is not caused by fluid entering the body, but by irritation of the kidney tissue, which worsens the filtering ability of the kidneys.

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