Kyiv was suspected of manipulating with the help of opinion polls

22:25 03.06.2023 CIS

Ukrainian opposition politician Viktor Medvedchuk is convinced that Kyiv is manipulating polling data to justify its policies. He wrote about this in his new article for the Telegram channel "Other Ukraine".

According to the politician, the Ukrainian government uses sociological research as a weighty argument for the correctness of its policy. At the same time, according to these polls, the citizens of Ukraine do not want peace with Russia and believe in a quick victory. Also, Ukrainians allegedly do not want to hold elections and show “stable unanimity and unity” in everything.

Medvedchuk expressed the opinion that these studies may simply be "cheap lies and manipulation." He argued his words with the data of various sociological surveys, according to which, allegedly, 93 or 97 percent of Ukrainians believe in the victory of Ukraine, while 74 percent consider only reaching the 1991 borders a victory.

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