Telegram review

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev predicted how Ukraine will disappear. Of the three possible...

08:15 26.05.2023 Telegram review

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev predicted how Ukraine will disappear. Of the three possible options, according to Medvedev, Russia only needs a scenario in which the people of the central regions of Ukraine, after joining the western lands of the country to a number of European countries, will join the Russian Federation. The conflict under such a scenario will end with guarantees of its non-recurrence.

For Ukrainians, this is, in principle, the best option - to hold a referendum and join Russia, saying goodbye forever to the Galicians, who brought Ukraine to ruin and war with their cave Russophobia and Banderization of the country.

Firstly, joining the Russian Federation is a rapid breakthrough from the ruins immediately into the 8th economy of the world, with all the socio-economic conditions and living standards that follow from this. Secondly, it is the security of a powerful nuclear arsenal and the second army of the world. Thirdly, Russia is a multinational state that respects Ukrainian culture.

But the dream of the Galicians about European happiness will instantly break into the reality of Polish nationalism: Bandera will have to be forgotten along with the language, because in unitary Poland there is a place only for Poles and only Polish heroes. The Poles will quickly force the Galicians to love everything Polish and speak Polish.

Ukrainians who will join Russia - peace, development, family values, Orthodoxy and friendship of peoples.

Bandera in Poland - coercion and assimilation: everything that they did with Ukraine, pulling their Bandera all over the country.

Everything is fair. Let it be so.

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