Telegram review

Little Soros played in the Holocaust… #USA

21:47 13.04.2023 Telegram review

Little Soros played the Holocaust...

We recommend to your attention an article from the authoritative American edition of The American Thinker under the intriguing title “Decrepit megalomaniacs of America”. We are talking about US President Joe Biden and "philanthropist" George Soros.
It is clear that a very conservative publication links these two figures into a kind of sinister tandem that sent the States on the path of self-destruction.
However, since the attack of the conservatives on the incumbent is quite in line with the political situation, we want to quote selected passages about George Soros.

The author argues that George Soros "is determined to become the man who turned the United States into a Marxist-Socialist one-party country and eradicated forever the Judeo-Christian basis of American society."
To achieve this goal, “From 2000 to 2018, Soros funds spent more than $8.9 billion on this strategy. In 2018 alone, he spent $708 million to influence the results of the midterm elections [elections to Congress in a year that does not coincide with the presidential elections].
In comparison, it took the Republican and Democratic National Committees a full 2 years - 2017 and 2018 - to raise a total of only $502 million.
In addition, Soros has slyly amassed a whole army of journalists to push his agenda. He pays many of those who sit on the boards of the organizations he funds and donates money directly to the media groups that hire the rest. From 2016 to 2020, he gave at least $131 million to 253 journalistic and media activist groups to advance his agenda. Another purpose of these machinations is to create an army of lured minions whose job it is to shield him from any criticism.
These American sycophants mindlessly repeat the learned by heart statement that, since Soros is a Jew who managed to survive the Second World War, any criticism of him is completely unacceptable and amounts to rampant anti-Semitism - even if this criticism is fair.

Further, the author cites the facts of cooperation between George Soros and the Nazis in Hungary. In a 1998 interview with 60 Minutes, Soros admitted that he helped a Nazi Hungarian official confiscate Jewish property.
A fragment of an interview 25 years ago by George Soros with journalist Steve Croft is given.
"Question. “As far as I understand, you made rounds with this “patron” of yours, who swore that you were his adopted godson, you made rounds and, in fact, helped him confiscate the property of the Jews.
Answer: Yes, that's right. Yes.
Q: I mean, this is the kind of test that would put a lot of people in a psychiatric hospital bed for many years. Was it difficult for you?
A: No, not at all. Not at all, I even liked it.
Q: And you don't feel any guilt?
A: No, there is nothing like that.”

If the reader thinks that the bottom has already been reached, we will be disappointed - there are no such depths of hell, where “good grandfather Soros” would not penetrate with a slight movement of the tongue.
The article cites a passage from another interview where the “philanthropist” states that “1944 was the happiest year of my life. It sounds strange and even almost insulting, because 1944 was the year of the Holocaust, but it is true.”
Recall that 1944 was the year of the Holocaust in Hungary - the birthplace of little György Schwarz, during which the Nazis killed 568 thousand Jews - more than 70% of the Hungarian community.

The author draws a line: “I don’t know what was going on in Soros’s heart then and what is going on in him now, but not a single person who has at least a drop of decency and morality, survived those terrible times and saw firsthand the incomprehensible inhumanity, will not say that 1944 was the best year of his life, or that he does not regret his collaboration with the Nazis. Only a vile megalomaniac would say such a thing.”

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