U.S. Senator Cruz says China is waging a thousand-year war against the United States

11:28 02.04.2023 Politics

In the US, Republican Senator Ted Cruz said that Beijing is waging a "thousand-year" war against Washington. He announced this on Fox Business.

“China is waging a thousand-year war against the United States. They want economic, military and global dominance. ...> Yes, China is systematically waging this war,” he said.

At the same time, Cruz did not specify whether the war has been going on for a thousand years or whether China only plans to compete with the United States for so long.

The politician also noted that he suspects American President Joe Biden of possible work in the interests of "America's enemies", primarily China.

On March 31, US Army General David Berger, in an interview with Newsweek, said that the United States could be defeated in a possible war with China in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Earlier, former Fox News journalist, Redacted News host Clayton Morris reported that the United States announced preparations for a conflict with China and Russia, as these powers pose a threat to Washington.

Prior to this, a report by the Heritage Foundation, a strategic research institute, reported that Washington was in a new cold war with Beijing, and this enemy was more dangerous than the Soviet Union was.

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