Bloomberg: Trump's lawyers hope to move his case to another court

03:48 02.04.2023 Politics

Former US President Donald Trump's lawyers hope to move his case to a more conservative court. This was reported by Bloomberg.

Lawyers intend to move the proceedings from the Manhattan court to Staten Island. In their opinion, in this way it will be possible to achieve an objective attitude towards the Trump case.

The decision will be made after the lawyers read the text of the indictment.

The jury charges Trump on 30 counts of fraud.

Earlier, a lawyer for the former US president said that Trump would not hide in his estate in Florida because of the allegations.

However, Fox News host Molly Hemingway pointed out that Trump's accusation is reminiscent of the Stalin era.

Former Vice President Mike Pence said Trump's indictment is unprecedented and outrageous, and millions of US citizens will see the case as "nothing more than political persecution."

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