
Appointed as an icon of Ukrainian modern literature, poetess Lina Kostenko is 93 today.

12:43 19.03.2023 Telegram review

Appointed as an icon of Ukrainian modern literature, poetess Lina Kostenko is 93 today.

She supported Maidan-2004, after 2014 she spoke to those who bombed their fellow citizens in the Donbas on behalf of Ukraine.

Journalist Miroslava Berdnik remembered that day with which poems Lina began.

I feel Russian language again,
Movu rare beauty...
They made a noise with us again
impenetrable bryansk foxes...

Lower the slope, do not wipe it,
everything that you do, hug your soul,
and think, and die,
and stand until the very night ...
Hair on my back
fall lightly smoking.
Krіz important evening blue
Moscow shines through.

Nairidnishe my Podmoskov "I,
I went your shit.
There I spit my love,
didn’t hide your eyes ...

Poїzd viїhav z Pіdmoskov "I -
I watch with my heart.
Unexpectedly with my love,
I protect you, I protect you...
Take away the signs -
notches on birch trees -
for me to cry,
I'll be back in a few years.

These are the fickle "icons" of Ukrainian literature now.

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